Tuesday, March 12, 2013

A Detailed Lesson Plan in English (Reading)

I.            Objectives
At the end of the lesson, the pupils are expected to:
a.    State the sequence of the story
b.    Identify the different seasons describe
c.    Appreciate the story read

II.         Subject Matter
Topic: The Tiny Seed
Reference: Reading Network, pages 103- 108
Author: Delia Hamoy Soroy
Materials: Charts, pictures

III.       Procedure
A.   Preparation

Teacher’s Activities                                  Pupils’ Activities

1.   Energizer
      I have here a song entitled “ Minicar “.
I’ll sing it first then afterwards we will sing it together.
The song goes like this.
Beep(3x) the minicar
Stop and go(3x), the minicar
Camera (2x)
Click (3x) the camera
Smile and pose (3x) to the camera
B.   Motivation

Form 3 groups. Each group should
 have 2 members to arrange the puzzle in front.
The first group who can arrange the puzzle will
get additional points in your quiz later.

What picture is formed? 
                                                                             The picture formed is a seed.   
Have you seen a seed?                      
                                                                             Yes Teacher!
Can you describe the seed that you have seen?
                                                                             The seed that I have seen is rough.
What can you say about their size?
                                                          The size of the seed I’ve seen is tiny.
The story that we’re going to read today has something
to do with the picture that you’ve formed. The story is
entitled “ The Tiny Seed “.
C.   Presentation

1.   Motive Ivestion

Before we start, I’ll leave one question for you
 to think of as you go on reading the story.
          How does being small affects you in achieving your goal?
2.   Silent Reading Proper

Read the story “The Tiny Seed “on pages 103- 108 in
Your Reading Network book. Be sure to understand the

D.   Summarizing the story
Did you understand the story?
                                                                         Yes Teacher!
Let me see if you really understood the story.
What is the title of the story?
The title of the story is “ The Tiny seed “
          What comes into your mind when you hear
the word tiny?
                                                                   Tiny means small.
As we discuss the story we will know why
did the author entitle the story as
“The Tiny Seed “.

Who is the author of the story?
                                                          The author of the story is Eric Carle.
Who are the characters in the story?
The characters in the story are the tiny seed and the other seeds.
          Where did the story happen?
The story happened in different places such as near the sun, on icy mountain, in the water, in the desert  and on the ground.
          When did the story happen?
The story happened in four different seasons: during  autumn, summer, winter and spring.
What happened first in the story?
A strong wind blown the flower seeds high in the air and carried them across the land.
In what particular season is there when there is
a strong wind blowing?
It is autumn when there is a strong wind blowing.
How many seeds do you think are there in the story?
                                                                             There are ten seeds in the story.
So let’s find out whether your answer is correct.
How was the main character described in the story?
The main character described as tiny and smaller than the others.
As the wind continued to blow one of the seeds flew higher
than the others, what happened to this seed?
                                                                             The sun’s hot ray burned it up!
One seed was already burned. How many seeds remained?
                                                                             There were nine seeds remained.
How about the tiny seed? What happened to
it during this time?                                     
                                                                             The tiny seed sailed on with the others.
That’s correct!
The tiny seed together with the other flower seeds
Continued to sail with the wind until they have
 reached a certain place.
What is this place?                                                The place is a mountain
How would you describe the mountain?                 The mountain has ice that never melts and seeds cannot grow on it.
What happened to one of the seeds
that landed on this place?                                     One of the seeds that landed on this place died because of the ice.
Two seeds were lost.
The rest of the seeds flew on but the tiny seed
did not go as fast as the others.                           
What happened next as the rest of the seeds
flew over the ocean?                                             One of the seeds fell into the water.

There were seven seeds remained.
What happened next after one of the seeds
fell into the water?                                                One of the seeds drifted down onto the desert.
How would you describe the desert?                      The desert is hot and dry and seed cannot grow there.
What happened to one the seeds that drifted
down in this place?                                                One of the seeds that drifted down in this place died because of the hot temperature.
Six seeds were remained.
How would you describe the tiny seed as it flew?   The tiny seed flew very low but the wind pushed it on with the others.
But after a long trip, the wind finally stopped
and the seeds including the tiny seed gently
fell down on the ground.
But what happened to one of the seeds?               One of the seeds was eaten by a bird.

Was it the tiny seed that was eaten?                               No Teacher!
Very Good! That’s correct
It was not the tiny seed because the tiny seed
 was too small for the bird to see.
There were five seeds remained.
Then winter came.
After a long period of sailing on the wind,
the seeds have finally settled down and they
were covered by snow.
What happened to one of the seeds?                     One of the seeds was eaten by a mouse for his lunch who also lived on that place.
So, four seeds were remained.
Spring came and snow has melted.
The sun shone and rain fell. Therefore seeds started
to develop into plants but the tiny seed hasn’t
begun to grow yet.                                               

However there was a big fat weed that took all the
 sunlight and the rain. What happened to one of
 the little plants?                                                   One of the little plants died because the plant cannot catch rain and get sunlight because it was covered by a big fat weed.
There were three seeds remained.
After sometime, the tiny seed started to grow
into a plant.
Because it was summer, children were out to play.
What happened as they played?                            A boy accidentally broke one of the growing plants.
There were two seeds remained.
The tiny seed grew fast but its neighboring
 plant grew even faster and already had flower.
 What happened to the flower of the neighboring plant?  The flower of the neighboring plant was picked by a boy and gave it to his friend.
One seed was left.
 So, the only plant left was the tiny plant from the
 tiny seed. What happened to the tiny seed?         The tiny plant from the tiny seed has grown very tall and a flower has grown on it. Many people came to look at its giant flower.

Who else visited the flower?                                  The birds, the bees, and the butterflies also visited the giant flower.
Autumn came again….
What happened to the giant flower?                      The giant flower bent as the wind blew harder and lost almost all of its petals until the flower seed pod opened and came the tiny little seed that quickly sailed far away on the wind.
So that is how the story ended.
Answer the following questions based on the
 story that you have read.

 How can you describe the journey of the tiny seed?       The journey of the tiny seed is adventurous one. The tiny seed had gone several challenges brought by different seasons before it got settled and grown as a plant.
If you were a seed, would you prefer to be tiny
 or to be big?                                                         I would choose to be tiny because there is an advantage of being small like in the story the seed was saved from the bird and mouse because the two animals haven’t seen the tiny seed.

                                                                             I choose to be big like mango seed so that I would not be carried by the wind.

                                                                             I choose to be tiny so that I can experience to sail on the wind.
If you were given a chance to change the title of
 the story, what would it be and why?                    If I were given a chance to change the title of the story I will change it into “The journey of the seeds” because the story is about how the seeds travel in different places.
F.   Answering the motive Invention
Let’s answer now the question that I have given.

How does being small affects you in achieving your goal?
Being small doesn’t affect me in achieving my goal because the size or height is not the basis if someone can achieve something. Even if one is small but he/ she has the will nothing could stop him/ her from achieving his/ her goal.
G.   Generalization
Graphic organizer is provided for you. All you need to
do is to arrange the sequence of the story from seed
 one to seed ten. Pick the right details for each seed
and paste to the appropriate seed number.






DIRECTION: match column A with column B.

Column A                                                     Column B
1.   The seed that was eaten by a mouse on the ground.                a. SEED 4
2.   The seed that was eaten by a bird on the ground.                    b. SEED 3
3.   The seed that was drowned in the water.                                 c. SEED 5
4.   The seed that was drifted down onto the desert.                      d. SEED 2
5.   The seed that landed on a tall and icy mountain.                      e. SEED 6

1.   E
2.   C
3.   B
4.   A
5.   D

Study the sample story grid on page 109 on your
Reading Network book.