Tuesday, June 25, 2013


(Note: This is not 100% accurate, precise, and comprehensible, this is made by me abruptly just to comply to my requirements, used this as your guide... )



            Course Title:                 EARTH SCIENCE
            Course Facilitator:     Mr. Juan Dela Cruz

A.  Course Description:
1.   What is the scope of the course?
*      It is stated there that this course in Science offered to first year students taking up Bachelor of Secondary Education, Elementary Education and AB Psychology.

2.   What is the course focus?
*      The focus of the course is about Earth Science

3.   How is the course goal stated? Are there values and assumptions underlying the goals of the curriculum? Are the goals sufficiently comprehensive, balance and realistic?
*      It is stated there that the course syllabus consists of chapters that emphasize broad and up to date coverage of basic topics and principles in Geology, Oceanography, Meteorology and Astronomy. Not so, the goals should chunks into parts so that it would not too hard for the students to determine whether the course syllabus can be comprehend easily or balance and realistic as well.

4.   Describe the learner at the end of the course.
*      It is stated there that at the course is intended to be a meaningful, non technical survey for graduate students with little background in Science.

B.  Course Objectives:
1.   What is the major competency that the student is expected to demonstrate at the end of the course? How does it relate to the course goal?
*      It is not stated in the syllabus, but the major competencies that the student should develop themselves on how to be competitive, more comprehensible enough, have higher  thinking skills in terms of the trend of discovering new things. It should be related to the course that is taking by the student or align to the subject matter.

2.   How is the course objectives related to the course goal in the course description?
*      Of course the course objective should be in relevant to the course description if it’s not then it’s not an appropriate for the student to take up because it’s not suit to the course that they taking, it is stated there what should be the student acquiring off when they take the subject itself.

3.   How are the sets of related major course objectives grouped? Are the course objectives visible in the unit content?
*      The set of major course objective is laid in accordance to the unit that the course being required in every chapter or period. Yes! Indeed it’s showed in the table  that they made in every period or grading.

C.  Course Content:
1.   How are the units sequenced? Are the units well sequenced?
*      The units are sequence in accordance chronological order from the first chapter/ units of the book or the semester. Yes! It is indeed, based on the unit chapter.

2.   How are the units broken down into related topics? What sequencing techniques were used? (Logical, Chronological, Psychological, etc?)
*      The units are broken according to whole to part let say in chapter 1Astronomy from whole down to its part like Earth’s Place in the Universe, Our Solar System, Lights, Astronomical Observations and the Sun, Beyond the Solar System. The sequencing is from Whole to its Part.

D.  Teaching-Learning Methodologies:
1.   Do the teaching methodologies anticipate a progression from dependent teacher-directed to independent self-directed learner?
*      Yes!

-specify the teacher-directed teaching strategies
*      This direct instruction the teacher attempts to promote learning by providing explicit directions and explanations regarding how to do a tank. The teacher assumes primary responsibility for linking new information with the student’s prior knowledge and ultimately whatever the students learn. In this strategy the information is presented in an ordered sequence in which component sub skills are taught directly or a foundation for later task.

-specify the learner-focused teaching strategies
*      This is also referred as “constructivist or developmental”. In here the function of the teacher is to facilitator who takes a less central role in a learning process that is student-directed. The teachers provides opportunities for the students to make own linkages to prior knowledge and to devise her own strategies for work. It is much of its emphasis is on helping students to construct their own educational goals and experiences as well as the knowledge that results.

2.   To what extent of competence does the course syllabus provided the appropriate learning activities in each of the domains (a) personal development (b) social competence, (c) continued learning skills, (d) socialization (e) professional skills

a)  Personal development-at the end of the period the student should develop their intrapersonal skills in terms of acquiring knowledge, know themselves on what extent did they achieve if they can adapt the dynamic change in the environment.

b)  Social competence- at the end of the period the learner should know how to compete in a friendly surroundings, they are not just passive nor setting on the chair but they compete with their co-students.

c)  Continued learning skills-at the end of the period the learner have acquired new knowledge about a certain thing, aside from their metacognition, that when they get out of the room there is something that they have learn from their teacher, classmate and experience.

d)  Socialization-at the end of  the period the learner should able to show camaraderie to each  other and show to others that the variation of culture, religion, customs, and tradition is not a hindrance for achieving a certain goals.

e)  Professional skills-at the end of the period the learner should develop on how to be a professional, they should know how to accept critiques, admonitions, and other things to develop their holistic personality toward professionalization.

3.   Does the course syllabus utilize appropriate and feasible type of learning experience?
*      A little bit, but it should provide certain materials to utilize by the student, it just a matter of giving outline.

4.   Are the learning activities and teaching methodologies relevant to the specific professional discipline? Specify.
*      Yes!, it is stated there the course that the student should learn at the end of the lesson the activity that should provide and the discipline to be used in the said syllabus.

5.   Does the course syllabus have an adequate provisions of feedback from the learners, and other teachers, as well as means of modification? Specify.
*      Quiet yes!, it is stated there the terms and condition of what should be the students do , as well as the teacher itself, every end of the period the teacher gives her/his feedback about the standing of the student in the class, as well the teacher the student about the strategies that is being used whether it’s effective or not.

6.   To what extent is flexibility built into the curriculum plan? What alternative learning opportunities and multimedia are included?
*      In terms of flexibility the curriculum itself entails and entitled only for those who are taking education and psychology. The alternative learning opportunities and multimedia that should be included are follows; viewing, visiting sites for educational purposes, attending seminars and workshop to develop and acquire more knowledge and information.

E.   Evaluation:
1.   Is the course syllabus clear to the students? Specify evidences.
*      Yes!, it is stated in the syllabus about the subject description, the scope and sequence of the subject, the course requirements, the grading system, classroom policies, classroom procedures, expectations, and consequences except for the goal objectives because it’s not clearly stated in my humble opinion the objective should direct or specified so that the student wouldn’t confuse of taking this subject matter.

2.   What evaluation techniques, instrument and tools are suggested?
*      It stated there the requirements are long Exams or their equivalent, major exams (prelim, midterm and finals exams), quizzes, investigatory project or their equivalent, seatwork activities, solutions to problem sets

3.   How valid are the evaluation techniques, instrument and tools in relation to the course objectives and contents?
*      It’s valid because they are following a certain rule and guidelines on how to get assessment to the student. Student uses different criteria and instrument in order to attain oblecjives.

4.   What is the degree of student’s participation in the grading system?
*      It says there that the student final grade G is computed as follows:
Gcs+Gme=Final Grade 
Where Gcs and Gme are student’s grade in the class standing and major exams, respectively.
A.1 major exam…………………………………………………………..……100%
A.1.1 Prelim/Midterm?Final exam………………………………………80%
A.1.2 Oral Exam…………………………………………………………………20%

Class Standing………………………………………………………………….100%
A.2.1 Project……………………………………………………………………….20%
A.2.2 Quizzez, Long Exams, and Problem sets…………………50%
A.2.3 Recitation…………………………………………………………………20%
A.2.4 Assignments and Seatworks…………………………………….10%
F.   Other significant Features:
1.   What resources are suggested in the syllabus. How are they classified?
*      The resources that is being suggested Book “Earth Science 12th Edition by Edward Tarbuck and” web “page 545 (Earth Science by Tarbuck and Lutgens)”. They are classified accordingly because it’s the book being used during the entire semester.

2.   How is the course calendar integrated in the syllabus?
*      It is integrated according to the period of discussion, let say preliminary, midterm and final.

3.   To what extent is the course syllabus tailored-made for your particular institution mission and vision? Specify.
*      It is anchored in accordance to the course needed by the students they taking about. The course that they offer is in relevance to what they are aiming about the standing of the student toward development and being productive as well as competitive in their profession in the near future.

4.   Will the learners and teachers mutually understand the total course plan? Specify.
*      Yeah!, indeed, both teacher and student understand the course plan because it is well stated the rules, classroom procedure, requirements, a bit in objectives, the seatwork’s, problem to be solve, assignment, and etc.


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